Chalet Catering

Hearty home cooked food and flowing wine

For 2024-25

The chalet is catered for 5 nights a week. When evening meals are not available we can make recommendations for restaurants in town and even book somewhere on your behalf. One of these days will be our day off and breakfast will be on a self service basis.

As independent catered chalet operators,  Alun and I do all the catering ourselves. We concentrate on providing excellent home cooking and plenty of it.  Nothing can spoil a holiday quite like poor food or lack of it.  We love cooking and are continually developing the menus, partly for our own interest, for the benefit of repeat clients and to entice new guests.  We also cater for vegetarians, vegans and people with allergies given prior notice.

Summer in the Pyrenees is a great time for us to experiment with new recipes and ideas, as well as making jams for the winter season.

Breakfast consisting of cereals, porridge, French baguette, butter, spreads, cooked eggs of some description, fruit juice, tea and coffee.  Occasionally French toast, croissants & pain au chocolate for variety.

Afternoon tea will be laid out for you.  On your return from your day on the hill, put the kettle on and help yourself to freshly baked cakes or biscuits, French bread, butter and home made jams.

Evening meal consists of 3 courses of hearty, home cooking with flowing house wine.




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