Breezy is booked on a ski course

For anyone who has skied with Breezy you may wonder why she has booked on an off-piste skiing course. There is always new things to learn and old bad habits to break. Alison Culshaw runs an amazing course “Ski Performance for Mountaineers“. It’s 4 half days of instruction and is based on being able to ski different snow conditions from crust to ice and bumps. Spread over 5 days with a group size of 6 you get to practice and play with other participants between sessions.

This is a very popular course and any aspirant Mountain Guides who’s skiing is not up to scratch get sent on it. Well worth considering if you want to up your game on the slopes. Breezy is on the 12th Dec – 16th Dec before Christmas, we already have a couple of other people on the course booked in so let us know if you need accommodation.



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